Bollywood Superstar Aamir Khan recently appeared in Kapil Sharma’s The Great Indian Kapil Show on Netflix. The Actor also made his first appearance in this TV Show. He spoke about many things in the show and one thing that attracted the most was about Laal Singh Chaddha. Aamir Khan talked about his last outing Laal Singh Chaddha‘s failure in the show.
Laal Singh Chaddha was the official remake of the Hollywood cult film, Forrest Gump. Aamir Khan starred in the lead role and also acted as one of the producers for the film. The film however failed miserably at the box office and became an embarrassment for Aamir Khan. It was also his consecutive failure after Thugs of Hindostan which too bombed at the box office.
Aamir Khan said that he feels bad for a film’s loss but also said he learns from his mistakes. He opined that he became a major reason for the film’s failure citing that his performance went overboard. He took responsibility for the film’s failure which was commendable. Along with this, he even talked about how he prepared himself for his previous blockbuster, 3 Idiots. He said that he took inspiration from A.R. Murugadoss for the characterization of Rancho in 3 idiots.