Bollywood Actor Aamir Khan is currently working for his film, Sitaare Zameen Par. The film is tentatively scheduled for release on 25th December i.e., Christmas season this year. On the other hand, Tollywood Actor Ram Charan’s upcoming film Game Changer is also planning to release on Christmas as well. Many expected a big clash but it is learnt that Aamir Khan film has postponed by benefiting Ram Charan at the box office.
For a Pan India film, Hindi market is a crucial one. Kalki 2898 AD was a big example recently which grossed 400 crores from Hindi version alone. Pushpa 2 and Devara are also eyeing the same Hindi market to score big blockbusters at the box office. Along with these Ram Charan too wants to score big with his Game Changer directed by Shankar. He wants to repeat the magic of RRR again with this film. But Aamir Khan’s Sitaare Zameen Par looked like a hurdle.
Now, with Sitaare Zameen Par postponing Ram Charan can have breathe in relief. This news will be a big boost for Ram Charan. Game Changer has been postponed many times and has been in the shoot stage for many years. Now the film can release on Christmas comfortably.