Aamir Khan, the Bollywood star actor, has announced his next project and revealed that the title is Sitare Zameen Par. Aamir mentioned that the film has a similar theme to his 2007 film Taare Zameen Par in an interview with media. Now fans are anticipating another classic film from him.
He said, “I have not spoken about it publicly, and I won’t be able to say much now also. But I can tell the title. The title of the film is Sitare Zameen Par. You must have remembered my film Taare Zameen Par and the name of this film is Sitare Zameen Par because we are moving 10 steps ahead with the same theme. Taare Zameen Par was an emotional film, this film will make you laugh. That film made you cry this one will entertain you.”
The upcoming feature film will also have Aamir as its producer. Aamir will be the producer of three films: Laapata Ladies (directed by Kiran Rao), another one with his son Junaid Khan, and Lahore 1947 with Rajkumar Santoshi and Sunny Deol. He expressed his anticipation for them as well.
Aamir Khan was the producer and director of Taare Zameen Par. Aamir, Darsheel Safary, Tanay Chheda, Vipin Sharma, and Tisca Chopra were among the cast. Ishaan, an eight-year-old gifted boy, is the principal character in the film. Aamir played the role of his art teacher who discovers the child’s dyslexia and assists him in achieving his true potential.
The actor’s last appearance was in Laal Singh Chaddha, which was directed by Advait Chandan. It was the official remake of the Hollywood classic Forrest Gump. Kareena Kapoor, Naga Chaitanya, and Mona Singh were also featured in it. Following the film’s dull run at the box office, Aamir announced that he would be taking a break from acting to focus on his family.