Bollywood Actor Aamir Khan has come onboard for Coolie starring Rajinikanth directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The Actor will have a cameo appearance in the film which was also shot recently in Rajasthan. Fans and Audience were much excited to see Aamir Khan collaborating with Rajinikanth after nearly 30 years. Now, Aamir Khan’s look from the sets of Coolie has leaked to the team’s disappointment.
Aamir Khan was seen with a big twirled moustache in an uber cool personality. The look sure was attractive but the leaked incident would surely worry the team of Coolie. Earlier too, the video of Nagarjuna performing a scene for the film was leaked which also came as a shocker. The team must take care of all these leaks henceforth to avoid the damage to the hype.
The film’s promo of first lyrical song, Chikitu Vibe was released recently on the occasion of Rajinikanth’s birthday. The song didn’t register a strong punch among the audience lacking the typcial Anirudh style of composition. We need to see how the song turns out when the full lyrical is released.