Aadi Saikumar and Payal Rajput will be seen on screen together in their upcoming film TMK. Directed by Kalyanji Gogana who earlier made Natakam, this film was launched in Hyderabad on Sunday. This will be Aadi and Payal’s second film together. The RX100 beauty will also be seen opposite Aadi in Kirathaka.
The film has a heavy supporting cast and will feature Sunil, Kabir Duhan Singh, Anoop Thakur, and Purna in key roles. Nagam Tirupathi will bankroll the film under the Vision Cinemas banner and Sai Kartheek will score the tunes.
Meanwhile, Aadi is also busy with a bunch of other films like Kirathaka, Black, and Amaran. Payal Rajput also recently started shoot for her next film Angel.
Payal is also making an entry into Kannada films. The actress will be seen alongside actor Dhananjaya in the crime thriller Head Bush. She will play the role of the girlfriend of a mafia don.