A Special item song was Included in the Salaar film. Yes, the news that Track Tollywood exclusively reported long back has become true. It is widely known that Prabhas and Prashanth Neel’s pan-Indian film, Salaar was postponed from September 28th to December 22nd. It was told that because the movie goes on a serious note, the director felt a special mass song was needed to relax the audience.
The post-production works were pending, and the team also wanted to reshoot some portions and to add a special song. That is why the unit of Salaar went for postponement from September end to December.
Now the buzz is the team is adding the item song to the film but the details about the item song, or the actress to be featured in it have not been revealed yet. Reportedly, the details about the same are expected to come very soon. Overall, it is all but certain that a special item song is Included in the Salaar film.
On the other side, the fans of Prabhas are not happy as the team is not giving any updates about the film despite the release date getting closer. They are constantly postponing the updates, which is adding to the frustration of the fans. They are now hoping that at least the team will give some updates on Diwali festival day.