Jana Sena Party chief Pawan Kalyan has been continuously criticizing CM Jagan citing various issues during his Varahi Yatra, a campaign tour for the upcoming Andhra Pradesh Elections. The leaders and ministers of YSRCP are giving counters to the comments of Pawan Kalyan. Former actress and Minister Roja also lashed out at Pawan Kalyan. While to criticize Pawan, she made an objectionable remark against Sunny Leone. Meanwhile, a netizen has made a fool of the media people as he tweeted using the name of Sunny Leone.
Minister Roja said that if Pawan speaks about morals or will like Sunny Leone chanting Vedas. Rushing to criticize Pawan, Roja had downplayed Sunny Leone. Netizens started to give counters to minister Roja’s comments on social media. Especially, Pawan’s fans came supporting Sunny and are attacking her.
Netizens have come out supporting Sunny Leone, saying that once she was a porn star but after that, she has changed her life and is continuing to be an actress in Bollywood and has been doing plenty of service activities like adopting and raising children who are orphans. Netizens say that those who made fun of her as a star were the ones who acted with her and encouraged her by giving her opportunities in films.
However, actress Sunny Leone reacting to the issue and posting a tweet on this issue shocked everyone and that tweet went viral on social media. A Twitter account in the name of Sunny Leone took to Twitter to counter the Roja’s tweet. The tweet reads, “I am a porn star and I have no regrets about my past. Unlike you, I did what I wanted to do in public. The only difference between you and me is that I left the industry, you didn’t,”
However, after taking a closer look into that particular Twitter account, it was found out that it is not the official account of Sunny Leone. A netizen just changed the username and posted as Sunny Leone. What’s funny about the whole issue is few media handles mistook the tweet as Sunny Leone’s official response and wrote articles as well. The netizens are having a good laugh by discussing this issue, as one of them was able to fool a section of media people.