Tollywood actor Rana Daggubati and his father, noted film producer D. Suresh Babu, have landed in legal trouble in a case of alleged land grabbing. The ‘Baahubali’ actor and his father have been named in the case registered by local businessman Pramod Kumar, who has alleged that father and son are compelling him to vacate land that belongs to him.
The third additional chief metropolitan magistrate court at Nampally in the city has sent summons to them in this issue.
According to the complaint, the disputed land in Shaikpet was rent out to him in 2014 by Suresh Babu. When the lease ended, Suresh Babu allegedly chose to sell the land to him for Rs 18 crore and a contract was made.
Pramod Kumar claims that while he has made a payment of Rs 5 crore towards the deal, Suresh Babu has not bothered to complete sale and registration processes. The complainant has alleged that before the matter could be resolved, Suresh Babu handed over the land to his son Rana’s name.
It is also being said that the petitioner will hold a press conference soon. In September 2021, Rana Daggubati appeared before the Enforcement Directorate (ED) during enquiry in the 2017 drug scandal trial.