Actress Aparna Balamurali made her name with an excellent performance in Soorarai Pottru (Aakasam Nee Haddura). She even won the National award for her work in the film. However, a slight disturbance has irked her during the promotions of her upcoming release Thankam.
As part of the promotions, Aparna attended a college event in Kerala. A student got on the stage, tried to take a picture with her and behaved inappropriately at that time.
A video from this event is making the rounds on social media. The video shows that without permission from the organizers, a student comes on stage and presents flowers to Aparna, and further attempts to lay hand on her and Aparna is taken aback. Her feeling of uncomfortable is clearly visible in the video, but she didn’t overreact to the situation.
While the student tried to take a picture with Aparna in the video, screaming by other students can also be heard. This has caught attention in Social Media as everybody condemned the person’s behavior.
More than the student’s act, we should consider the hooting of the fellow students as a problematic because encouragement of such behavior will lead them to becoming potential abusers.
However, some netizens say that the student done the thing in excitement, and he immediately realized his mistake and apologized. No matter whatever be the reason, youth, or public should be in their conscience and try to behave properly with heroines.