A case was filed against Mythri Movie Makers and Shreyas Media group. The case was registered on Saturday at Madhapur Police Station, Hyderabad. It is Known that the Pre release event was held on Shilpakala Vedika on 9th of June.
Pawan Kalyan was the chief guest at the event. which was caused well attended by the fans. However, a man lodged a complaint at the Madhapur police station, that the Mythri Movie Makers and show host Shreyas Media did not followed any corona rules anywhere.
According to the police, the organisers were not granted any permission from the Cyberabad Police Commisioner M Stephen Raveendra. Interestingly, the application letter reached the Commissioner’s table only on the next day of the event that on June 10th. Officials stated that it was the responsibility of the applicants to keep a check on the permission letters and follow them up.
Moreover, it is learnt that the organisers had not followed certain safety and security measures, they not even have the bouncers at the public event. The Madhapur police who took the case suo moto, booked a case under section 188 of the IPC (Disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant) and are investigating.
Police have registered a case against the two companies in this regard. And the movie is currently running in theaters with good talk. The movie starring Nani and Nazriya as the heroines was released yesterday. The film was produced by Mythri Movie Makers.