Young Tiger NTR, who has become worldwide famous star for his excellent performance in the global blockbuster RRR, celebrated his birthday recently. On the occasion of the special day, his film Simhadri, released in 2003 in Telugu, was re released on Friday. However, an unfortunate incident occurred on May 20th, and nine fans of the actor were arrested by the police.
Nine fans of NTR were found slaying two goats and spreading their blood on the actor’s posters at the Siri Venkat and Siri Krishna theater in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh, where his birthday was being celebrated by re-releasing his film Simhadri. All nine are now booked by the Robertsonpet Police.
According to the media reports, nine accused fans, namely Siva Naga Raju Pothumudi (25) of Gudlavalleru, along with his friends Sai Kumbam, Sai Ganjala, Naga Bhushanam Dhavu, Sai Vakkalagadda, Nageswara Rao Pallapu, Dharani Yelikatla, Siva Parasa, and Anil Kumar Bolla are booked by the police. The report indicates that the accused took two goats to the theater and sacrificed them, raised their corpses and anointed the blood on the actor’s poster. Those who witnessed this incident encouraged them and made videos of the incident as well.
The case was booked as per the occurrence report filed by Sub-Inspector G. Vasu under Section 409 (Mischief by killing or maiming cattle) of IPC and Section 11 (1) (a) under the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals Act. Not only this, but A.P. State Animal Welfare Board member Tejovanth Anupoju also filed a complaint with the Robertsonpet Police against them for the inhuman act.