The biopic of the legendary Sri Lankan bowler Muthiah Muralitharan, titled 800, is all set to hit theaters on October 6, 2023. The film will be released in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi. Madhur Mittal, renowned for his role in Slumdog Millionaire, takes on the lead role in this movie, directed by MS Sripathy. Produced by Vivek Rangachari of Train Motion Pictures and distributed by Sivalenka Krishna Prasad, this biopic’s pre-release event was held today in Hyderabad.
Gracing the event, Muralitharan’s friend and former cricketer VVS Laxman suggested that the biopic would be inspirational. He said that Muralitharan is a role model. Something similar was hinted at by Sivalenka Krishna Prasad, who also touched upon his long-standing wish to collaborate with director Sripathy. He indicated that ‘800’ will go down as Sridevi Movies’ one of the most memorable movies.
Based on what Muralitharan and Laxman shared with the audience, it seems ‘800’ is going to be rich in human emotions. Muralitharan has been doing charity work through his NGO in Sri Lanka, Laxman said. “Murali and his foundation have been doing unbelievable work for the underprivileged,” he added.
The film, whose music is by Ghibran, will talk about the struggles undergone by Muthiah Muralitharan.