Tollywood Actor Nagarjuna owns a covention centre in Hyderabad by the name N convention. This convention centre was demolished recently by the Telangana Government alleging that it didn’t follow proper guidelines. This incident has become very popular instantly. Many people came in support of Nagarjuna and some criticised him as well. Now, it is estimated that Nagarjuna had suffered a whopping 400 crore loss with this demolition.
According to the Actor, the convention centre followed all guidelines and rules. He posted many posts on his official X/Twitter account following this demolition incident. But Hydra, the demolishing team behind this said that the convention centre was an illegal one. As said, the value of the convention centre is estimated to be around 400-500 crores. It has also generated huge revenue for the actor by being the most demanded function hall in Hyderabad.
This is definitely a big loss for Nagarjuna and it needs to be seen how he fights on this issue against the Government. Surprisingly, no Tollywood celebrity came forward to support Nagarjuna or respond about this issue at least. All the celebrities have been maintaining their silence on the issue. Many are questioning their silence as we all know how their reaction would be if it were Jagan Mohan Reddy in the place of Revanth Reddy as CM.