It is very well known to everyone that the recently released Malayalam film 2018 has created a sensation at the box office and emerged as the highest grosser of Mollywood. So, after the movie got so much appreciation it was dubbed into other languages, such as Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Hindi. However, the movie failed to create the magic in other languages, like Kantara.
Kantara, the sensational film from Sandalwood at first got released in Kannada version and after becoming a hit and appreciation it was released in the other languages. On its opening day, Kantara was released on limited screens even its own language, but because of the Extraordinary word of mouth and excellent run at the box office, the film went on to break KGF 2 collections in Karnataka and eventually got dubbed into other languages.
Kantara film had collected phenomenal numbers in Telugu and Hindi. Now 2018 Movie is also released like a small film but with terrific response, the film became an industry hit in Malayalam Cinema and the film has released in other languages yesterday and opened with decent numbers in Telugu, but it was unable to repeat the Kantara.
Because the 2018 movie is not such a movie which could cater to all section of audiences. So, because of the connectivity issue, the film suffered to attract larger number of audiences. So, mostly the film can collect decent numbers in the other languages but cannot repeat the magic like Kantara.