The Malayalam film 2018, having Tovino Thomas in the lead role, released as a small movie, but it has emerged as a massive blockbuster, and it is shaking the Kerala box office with the film showing a sensational consistency at the box office. The film already became the new industry hit of the Malayalam Film Industry by beating the earlier top grosser Puli Murugan, and now it has achieved another new milestone at the box office.
With today, the film is set to cross 150 Crores Gross worldwide, and it will be the first Malayalam film to achieve this magnanimous feat. 2018 has been released in Telugu and other languages today, so it can add more numbers to its total if it becomes a hit in other industries as well.
The film is based on the actual events of the Kerala 2018 floods, is called the REAL Kerala story. The audience and critics have given excellent response to the film, which has helped the film to get unimaginable numbers. The Kerala audiences have always encouraged movies which have strong content, and this is just another case in which they have wholeheartedly supported a film with has heartwarming content.
2018 Movie consists a huge star cast in the form of Tovino Thomas, while Indrans, Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali, Vineeth Sreenivasan, Asif Ali, Lal, Narain, Tanvi Ram, Kalaiyarasan, Aju Varghese, Siddique, Joy Mathew, Sudheesh, and others.