Varun Tej, the mega family hero is currently working on his film, Matka. The film stars him alongside Meenakshi Chaudhary in the lead roles and directed by Palasa fame, Karuna Kumar. A massive has been erected of amount 15 crores for the film. It brings the back old look of Vizag as the film is set around the city during the yesteryear period.
The vintage locations of Vizag are brought back and the team is spending big for these sets. Most of the film’s shoot will take place in these sets. Matka is a very crucial film for Varun Tej who is in bad need of a hit film. His recent outing, Operation Valentine crashed badly at the box office. The film achieved negative review and ended up as a big disaster.
His previous film, Gandeevadhari Arjuna too failed at the box office. The film was directed by Praveen Sattaru. His last relief was F3 directed by Anil Ravipudi which was a multi-starrer with Venkatesh. So, Varun Tej’s solo hit happens to be Gaddalakonda Ganesh which released in 2019. Now, all eyes are on Matka which should deliver for Varun Tej. There is also news of him joining his hands with Sekhar Kammula after their blockbuster, Fidaa.