Madonna Sebastian is a Malayalam actor debuted Premam and got recognized with her beautiful performance. Later she paired up with Vijay Sethupathi for her Tamil debut film Kadalum Kadandhu Pogum and this film did well at the box-office. She made her Telugu debut with the Telugu version of Premam with the same title. She continued to act in Kollywood but didn’t sign any other movie in Tollywood after Premam. She missed a few huge projects because of her reserved acting saying no to romantic scenes.
Now, the latest buzz is that Madonna will be sharing her screen with Iyalathalapthi Vijay in #Viajy65. Recently Vijay completed “Master” and its release is awaited. After this Vijay is pairing up with A.R.Murugadas who gave him a hat-trick hits like Thuppakki, Kaththi, and Sarkar. This project might feature two heroines and moviemakers finalized Madonna as one of them. This film will be sequel for Blockbuster Thuppakki that released on 2012. SS Thaman is composing music for this film and prestigious Sun Pictures will be bankrolling it. The official confirmation along with the other details of cast and crew is expected soon.