Young actor Sundeep Kishan was seen in a pan India film ‘Michael’, which was touted to be an action drama. The film directed by Ranjith Jeyakodi has Vijay Sethupathi in an important guest role. While the first look poster and trailer raised curiosity among the audience, however, the film failed to impress the audience after its release.
Sundeep Kishan put a lot of efforts for Michael movie both physically and mentally. He expected this film will be a turning point in his career as the film released as a pan India range project. The film failed in all the languages, and it is a miserable disaster which made Sundeep Kishan going into depression.
Sundeep doesn’t have much success a hero in career, but he’s well recognized as a performer by the audience and in industry also he has good rapport with everyone. While success and failures are common in the industry, we hope that the young actor comes back with a successful film soon.
Director-actor Gautham Vasudev Menon is also part of the cast of Michael, playing the antagonist in the film, facing off Sundeep Kishan. They released the film in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi. ‘Michael’ is produced by Bharat Chowdary and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao under Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP in association with Karan C Productions LLP. Narayan Das K Narang is the presenter.
Michael tells us the story of Gurunath (Gautham Vasudev Menon) who is a dreadful gangster in Bombay. He gets rescued by a small kid Micheal (Sundeep Kishan) from a murder attack. Gurunath hence asks his henchman Swamy (Ayappa Sharma) to raise Michael. After a few years, Gurunath is once again saved by Michael, which makes the former assign him to look after his business and other jobs.
Gurunath directs Michael to kill Rathan(Anish Kuruvilla). Michael goes there and meets Rathan’s daughter Theera (Divyansha Kaushik). Did Micheal complete the task? What happened to his life after that? This forms rest of the story.