Mahi V Raghav’s political drama Yatra 2 starring Jiva in YS Jaganmohan Reddy’s role was released earlier this year. The biographical film was released amidst political heat due to upcoming elections and failed miserably at the box office. The film after being a box-office debacle is now ready for its OTT streaming soon. Yatra 2 is a sequel to Yatra which followed the rise of YS Rajasekhara Reddy to the CM’s position.
The sequel, however, failed to live upto the expectations of the first part. It is finally arriving on Amazon Prime Video soon with either 12th April or 19th April being speculated as the OTT release date.
Mahi V Raghav’s Yatra 2. The film is not a usual entertainer and is loaded with political references and agendas. It chronicles the life of AP CM YS Jaganmohan Reddy after the death of YS Rajasekhara Reddy and his subsequent Padayatra against the wishes of the Congress high command.
With elections approaching in AP later this year, YSRCP supporters pinned high hopes on this film. Unfortunately, the film couldn’t live up to the expectations. The makers hope OTT streaming will reach the film to audiences.