Kannada Actor, Yash who rose to fame with the KGF franchise took a break after KGF Chapter 2‘s release. He didn’t accept any films and stayed away for some time. Fans and Audiences have been waiting for an update about his next film. It seems Yash has finally geared up for his return to the film sets.
Yash also called Rocking Star, was a normal Kannada Actor until KGF Chapter 1 became a nationwide blockbuster. It brought him and the director Prashant Neel many accolades and fame. This was catapulted even much after KGF Chapter 2’s release. Now he finally decided to work for a film titled Toxic: A Fairy Tale. He will also act as the producer of the film. Geetu Mohandas will direct the film. A massive set has also been erected for the film in Karnataka. The film will showcase Yash in a fierce avatar yet again.
Toxic will be made on a large scale and released in all the languages. This film has to live up to the expectations to match the stardom Yash got after KGF. The film’s shooting will also start during the third week of April. The team has already set a target of releasing Toxic on April 10 next year.