The team Writer Padmabhushan starring Suhas opts for the right promotional strategies for wider reach, ahead of the release. The film directed by debutant Shanmukha Prashanth and produced by Chai Bisket Films, in association with Lahari Films is slated for a grand release worldwide on February 3rd. Anurag Reddy, Sharath Chandra, and Chandru Manohar are the producers and G. Manoharan presents the movie which features Tina Shilparaj playing the female lead.
The film’s team as part of promotional activities will be visiting colonies across the Telugu states, interacting with families, and will be holding pre-release family screenings. They are starting off the family screenings from Suhas’ hometown i.e., Vijayawada today (Jan 27th). Guntur, Bhimavaram, Kakinada, Vizag, and Hyderabad are the other locations where the team will be visiting and holding the premieres.
The theatrical trailer of the movie was unveiled recently and the response for the same was stupendous. These pre-release family screenings show the confidence of the makers and this strategy is expected to work wonders for the movie.
It’s a brave decision to hold early premieres, as filmmakers hardly go for premieres a day prior to theatrical release with a fear of negative talk. In fact, the producers had gone for early premieres for their previous venture Major and the movie went on to become a blockbuster.
Venkat R Shakamuri handled the cinematography, while the music was scored by Shekar Chandra and Kalyan Nayak. Geetha Film Distribution, after the blockbuster of Kantara, will be releasing the movie in Telugu states.