Bollywood heartthrob Shahid Kapoor is all praise for Tollywood actors and films. After all, it is the remake of Telugu films that have brought him back on the success track. The actor first worked in ‘Arjun Reddy’ remake ‘Kabir Singh’ which became a blockbuster and the highest grosser of his career. Now he is reprising the role of Nani in the remake of 2019 superhit classic ‘Jersey’
The actor held an interaction session with the fans on Twitter where he responded to a number of their questions. Responding to a question about Nani, the Kabir Singh actor said:
“I think @NameisNani did an amazing job in jersey. He made me cry. So I would say he inspired me to do this film.” Nani responded to this compliment with a hug emoji to Shahid Kapoor.
Shahid was also all praise for Samantha for her acting in Family Man 2. Responding to a question about her, he said:
This statement has made fans of both the actors excited. In fact, as per reports, the Family Man 2′ actress has been flooded with Bollywood offers of late and it would be amazing to see Shahid- Samantha pair on screen.