Vijay Deverakonda, the actor, is a person who is very generous in nature. He regularly comes up with different charitable activities and gives unexpected gifts to his fans and the commoners as well. Even in the past, Vijay’s philanthropic actions have received praise from all sides. This year, he once again displayed his generous heart by sponsoring a Manali trip for 100 people.
Recently, Vijay Deverakonda announced that he will give 1 lakh each to 100 families on the eve of his latest release, Kushi, as a gesture of kindness from his earnings, which he received as a remuneration for acting in this romantic entertainer. Vijay expressed his desire to share his happiness, success, and salary with his supporters. Everyone applauded this great initiative with unanimity.
While Vijay was preparing to launch this initiative, he unexpectedly received a counter from a prominent Tollywood producer and distributor. Abhishek Nama of Abhishek Pictures banner had acquired the theatrical rights to Vijay Deverakonda’s World Famous Lover, which was released in 2020. The movie’s failure to impress moviegoers resulted in a terrible box office.
According to the distribution house, they suffered a loss of 8 crores due to the film, World Famous Lover. As Vijay is donating 1 crore to needy families with a big heart, they are now asking him to compensate them for their loss. Vijay Devarakonda was tagged, and a request was made in a counter tweet by Abhishek Pictures, as shown below.
“Dear Vijay Deverakonda, We lost 8 CRS in the distribution of World Famous Lover, but no one responded over it. Now as you are donating 1CR to the families with your big heart, Kindly requesting & hoping for you to save us and our Exhibitors & Distributors families as well. Thank You Yours, Abhishek Pictures” read the tweet of Abhishek Pictures Official Twitter handle.