Bigg Boss Telugu 7 Finale’s winner and runner details are out. The shoot of Bigg Boss Telugu season 7 finale episode is being held at Annapurna Studios. There are a lot of updates pouring in from the house, and the latest information is Shivaji has been eliminated from the Bigg Boss house at the Top 3 position. Bigg Boss Telugu 7 Finale’s winner and runner details are out.
Four contestants have been officially eliminated from Bigg Boss’s house. Arjun Ambati and Priyanka Jain were eliminated at the sixth and fifth positions. Prince Yawar opted for 15L cash and was eliminated in fourth place, and Shivaji was eliminated in third place.
Shivaji was expected to be a sure-shot winner at one time, but to everyone’s surprise, he was eliminated from the top third position. Recent weeks have poorly worked for him. Now, officially, the winner and runner race is between Pallavi Prashant and Amardeep Chaudhary.
According to Buzz, Pallavi Prashanth is said to be the winner, and Amardeep Chaudhary settled as the runner. Still, this information is not official as the shoot is not yet completed.