Game Changer starring Ram Charan and Vidaamuyarchi starring Ajith are set for a box office clash in Tamil Nadu this Sankranthi. Vidaamuyarchi slightly gets an edge there securing 2/3rd screens which impacts Game Changer in a big way. But there is no confirmed news of Vidaamuyarchi arriving for the Sankranthi going by the slow pace of promotional activities. Will this benefit Game Changer is the question now.
The film hasn’t still gone for the Censor board approval and certification. The Trailer of the film was also supposed to release on New Year which is now said to have postponed. The release period is getting close and the makers must act quick to start the promotional activities which add up to the hype and buzz.
If Vidaamuyarchi gets postponed then it will definitely be a big and solo release slot for Game Changer. The film will secure major screens in this case and with the inclusion of Director Shankar, Tamil version may perform well. It all depends on the makers of Vidaamuyarchi’s choice now.
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