Tollywood Actor, Balakrishna will be completing 50 years of Journey as an actor this year. The Actor is also the son of Matinee Idol, NTR. Balakrishna began his journey as a child artist and later started taking up lead actor roles. He enjoyed top stardom in Tollywood for years as well. Tollywood’s elite section is now planning for an event to celebrate his 50 years journey. Now everyone wonders whether his nephew, Jr. NTR would attend the Balakrishna Event or not.
Jr. NTR happens to be the son of Balakrishna’s elder brother, Harikrishna. The Actor once had a good relationship with Balakrishna but all is not well in recent times. NTR even campaigned for Balakrishna’s TDP once but things changed afterwards. NTR stopped concentrating on politics and made himself busy only in films. He didn’t even congratulate Balakrishna and his party’s recent victory in the recent Andhra Pradesh Assembly Elections.
All these things may not let him participate in the event. Many actors from Tollywood and political figures too would come to the event except NTR. Fans feel that NTR may tweet and congratulate Balakrishna on his journey till now. On the other hand, NTR is also busy working for Devara and War 2. So this will be an official excuse from his side to the fans and audience.