Jawan, the latest film of Shah Rukh Khan, continued its remarkable run at the box office with stunning weekend numbers. Jawan has broken all existing records in Indian cinema history and has grossed a whopping Rs 500 crores in just four days. As per the gross, the film still has to surpass Baahubali 2’s Hindi numbers in India to becomes the top grosser.
Both Pathaan and Gadar 2 have crossed Baahubali 2’s Hindi version net in India but gross wise still Baahubali 2 is the no 1 grosser in Hindi with 725Cr+ gross and Pathaan stands at no 2 with around 640Cr.
At Baahubali 2 time the taxes for Bollywood movies were high, so there is a huge difference in the net. Pathaan and Gadar 2 both failed to break Baahubali 2’s gross now Jawan aims for the same. As of now, Jawan collected 252Cr net in Hindi for 4 days and today’s early estimates that are in the range of 30Cr.
Now to break Baahubali 2 movies’ Gross, Jawan needs to collect close to 600Cr net, and we will need to wait and see whether it will be able to break the record or Baahubali 2 will remain at the no 1 position.
Jawan, which was directed by Atlee, featured King Khan as both an intelligence officer and a thief/vigilante. Pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Rajasthan, and Aurangabad were the locations for the film’s shooting. Anirudh Ravichander composed for the film, which was bankrolled by Shahrukh Khan’s home production Red Chillies Entertainments.