Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Bhola Shankar is all set to be released this Friday. The film needs to get a good and positive response as the movie is carrying very low buzz and advance bookings are also very ordinary. The pre-release business of the film is valued at 90 Crores worldwide. That is why Only a unanimous positive talk can help the film to deliver good numbers at the box office. The result of Bhola Shankar is like a litmus test for the stardom of Megastar as everyone is looking forward to see whether he will succeed this time or he will face a failure like Godfather, which also happens to be a remake.
We know that Bhola Shankar is a remake of the Tamil blockbuster Vedalam starring Ajith Kumar. If we observe the promotions of Bhola Shankar, Chiranjeevi and Meher Ramesh seemed very confident about the film’s content, and they have stated that there are many changes present in the film compared to the original.
However, the same statements were also given during Godfather. Chiranjeevi and the team had constantly said during the promotions that they have made many changes to the original film, Lucifer. They also stated plenty of corrections were done in the film, Godfather compared to the original script, but after the release everyone said the original was better than the film.
Now the same thing is happening with Chiranjeevi’s upcoming film, Bhola Shankar. Chiru and the team are saying that they have made numerous corrections to the original script and added the elements which will be liked by our audiences. We need to see whether Chiranjeevi will succeed this time or not.