Malayalam Movie 2018, which was released as a small film, is creating a sensation in all the Malayalam markets and until now the movie has collected close to 125 Crores worldwide gross and is all set to become the new industry hit of Mollywood in another few days. Because of the movie’s massive success, the makers have decided to release it in pan India wide.
The movie is all set to be released in other languages on this 26th and the trailers of other languages such as Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam have been released recently. Movies from the Telugu , Tamil, and Kannada industries have already become pan India blockbusters and Mollywood is industry yet to score a pan India blockbuster and the 2018 movie has all the chances of achieving this feat. Let’s wait and watch to see whether the movie becomes the 1st pan India blockbuster of Mollywood or not.
The film is based on the actual events of the Kerala 2018 floods, is called the REAL Kerala story. The audience and critics have given excellent response to the film, which is helping the film to get unimaginable numbers. The Kerala audiences have always encouraged movies which have strong content, and this is just another case in which they have wholeheartedly supported a film with has heartwarming content.
2018 Movie consists a huge star cast in the form of Tovino Thomas, while Indrans, Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali, Vineeth Sreenivasan, Asif Ali, Lal, Narain, Tanvi Ram, Sshivada, Kalaiyarasan, Aju Varghese, Siddique, Joy Mathew, Sudheesh, and others.