Nagarjuna starrer Wild Dog has now faced a fresh problem. The movie reportedly has been leaked online just a day before its release. Wild Dog had earlier faced multiple hurdles like lockdown, unsuccessful negotiations with OTT and so on. Finally, after clearing all the hurdles the movie is finally hitting the screens this Friday.
The trailers and the recently released behind-the-scenes video have raised expectations on the movie amongst fans. The movie also received positive reports from its censor screening. However, with Wild Dog leaked just a day before its release, makers are concerned if it would affect the collections.
Directed by Ahishor Solomon, this action thriller is based on certain real-life incidents. The movie that features an ensemble cast of Dia Mirza, Atul Kulkarni, Ali Reza, and Saiyyami Kher among others tells the story of Indian NIA and RAW’s heroics. The movie follows incidents post the 2007 Gokul Chat bombings.