Pawan Kalyan’s Bheemla Nayak got off to a solid start on its opening day and established many records on the way. The film also had a stupendous weekend and created a box-office Tsunami. It registered more than 60% recovery on the first weekend itself. However, post this, the film has slowed down from Day four onwards. This action entertainer saw huge drops and even on Sivaratri, the film didn’t perform as per expectations.
The fourth-day collections were quite underwhelming compared to the initial days. While the film had an average hold in Andhra, it saw huge drops in the Nizam region.
Now Pawan Kalyan fans have started pinning these drops on the hikes caused by distributors. These hikes were done by taking an extraordinary opening weekend and holiday period into consideration. There was no way the distributor could have predicted this.
For Akhanda as well, there was a ticket hike and despite this, the movie performed exceptionally well even with fewer ratings. Allu Arjun’s Pushpa also performed better than Pawan Kalyan’s Bheemla Nayak If we consider Day 4 and 5. Hence, if we take the previous releases into the consideration, the distributor couldn’t have predicted these sudden drops and it’s not right to blame him.