Kollywood Actor Jayam Ravi shocked everyone recently announcing his divorce with his wife, Aarthi. This came as a surprising news to all. The couple had been married for nearly 15 years as well. Everything felt surprising until his wife Aarthi’s shocking statements which made it even more apalling. She said that the divorce was announced without her consent and she had no information about it. This makes one wonder if divorce was only Jayam Ravi’s decision but not his wife’s.
When Jayam Ravi had announced the divorce news, everyone felt that it was mutual which happens usually in all cases. But Aarthi shocked all by saying that the divorce plan was not discussed with her and had been announced one-sidedly. This had shaken everyone. How could Jayam Ravi take the decision regarding the divorce solely? Was he persistent to have a divorce with Aarthi badly? Is Aarthi’s version really true? These were the questions regarding their divorce on social media platforms. No one knows the exact reason behind their divorce but this has caused an uncertainity.
Many former videos of the ex-couple surfaced on the internet where they looked alright and had no differences. We had seen many celebrity couples moving away but it didn’t happen in this way. This is something that fans and audiences of Kollywood didn’t expect. It is also learnt that Jayam Ravi had gone to court to officially part ways with his ex-wife.