Tamil Actress Malavika Mohanan expressed her wish to act with Vijay Deverakonda in a romantic film. She said that she really wants to act in a romantic or Rom com style movie with Vijay Deverakonda. The actress answered to a question by a fan during the #AskMalavika session on Twitter. A fan asked her about the actor she wants to act with as she already worked with Rajinikanth and Vijay. Many heroines when asked about the question tell the same answer. Be it Raashi Khanna and Janhvi Kapoor. One can guess this would because of the popularity he got with Arjun Reddy throughout the country.
Vijay Deverakonda is already working with Ananya Panday in Liger directed by Puri Jagannadh which is slated to release this year. He has also started working in their next collabortion JGM made on a big scale like a Pan-Indian film. Pooja Hegde is playing the female lead role in the film. VD is also working with director, Shiva Nirvana for the movie Kushi. Samantha is playing the female lead. Kushi’s motion poster and first look were released recently too. The actor is very busy with all these films. Let’s see how he responds to Malavika Mohanan’s tweet.