Recent Bollywood sensation, Wamiqa Gabbi has been cast for G2 co-starring Adivi Sesh. A poster was released today by the makers showing the lead pair in action. The Actress will also be making a comeback to Tollywood after nearly a decade when she made her debut here with Bhale Manchi Roju in 2015.
Wamiqa recently met the audience with her Baby John co-starring Varun Dhawan. The film was released amid big expectations but turned out to be a big flop. But the Actress surely impressed the audience with her performance and her beauty appeal. Now, she will be aiming to get a big spot in Tollywood with G2.
G2 is the official sequel to Goodachari which became a big hit in 2018. The film is currently in the shoot stage and is aiming for release this year. Adivi Sesh is also working for Dacoit which had Mrunal Thakur onboard recently.
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