Gopichand, director Sreenu Vaitla, and People’s Media pinned high hopes on their latest release, Viswam, expecting it to mark a significant comeback for all three. However, the film, which hit theaters on October 11, 2024, has had a disastrous run at the box office, failing to even collect a 5 crore share worldwide in its first five days. The film’s underperformance, despite receiving slightly better word of mouth compared to Sreenu Vaitla’s recent projects, has left industry insiders disappointed.
Gopichand, who has been struggling to regain his footing after a series of failures, needed Viswam to perform well to bounce back. His last few films, including Bhima, Ramabanam and Seetimaarr, also faced similar fates, leaving fans and the star himself in dire need of a hit. For Sreenu Vaitla, Viswam was another attempt to revive his directorial career after a string of box office duds like Amar Akbar Anthony and Mister.
Unfortunately, Viswam lacked the hype necessary for a strong opening. Adding to its woes, the film had to compete with the much-anticipated Devara and Vettaiyan, both of which dominated audience preferences, pushing Viswam to the third spot in terms of viewership. The combination of stiff competition and a lackluster promotional campaign ultimately contributed to its failure, signaling another setback for the Gopichand-Sreenu Vaitla duo.