Young and energetic hero Vishwak Sen’s Ori Devuda is set to release tomorrow in theatres. The movie is an official remake of the Tamil blockbuster film oh my kadavule. As per the industry circles reports, seems that the movie has come out very well, entertainment and emotions worked well.
And Venkatesh acting in an important guest role has become the biggest asset of the film. Leon James’s music has already won the hearts of the audience with the magical numbers Avunanavuna and Gundellonaa. Trade circles are expecting this movie to become the biggest hit and a turning point in hero Vishwak Sen’s career.
Nowadays more than the opening numbers, Word of mouth is very crucial for any film, If WOM is good then the film will have a huge advantage at the box office because of the release on festival weekend.
Ashwath Marimuthu is the director of the original film Oh My Kadavule. He made this remake version too. The film is said to be a clean and complete family entertainer. Mithila Palkar and Asha Bhat are acting along with Vishwak Sen in this film.
The film tells the story of Arjun Durgaraj and Anu Palraj, who have been friends since childhood and get married. But, years after the marriage, due to misunderstandings, both of them go to court to separate. However, what is the reasons for their separation? How did God solve their problem? form the rest of the story.
The director has made this film with the concept of what life would be like if life or God gives us another chance and if we change the decisions that we have taken in the past, what will be the outcome of those changed decisions.
Vishwak Sen’s last movie Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam was a clean entertainer and Ori Devuda will also be on the same lines, it also got a U/A certificate from the censor board.