Gaami is an epic adventure film starring Vishwak Sen and Chandini Chowdary in lead roles. Helmed by debutant Vidyadhar Kagita, it narrates the tale of an Aghora who sets out on a mystical adventure into the Himalayas to find a cure for his touch salvation.
The film’s good buzz among audiences is primarily because of its unique concept showcased in the theatrical trailer; to capitalise on this, the makers chose to go for early premieres in the USA. Having said that, this film is all set for a worldwide release on March 8, 2024.
The film has already completed the censorship formalities, with ‘A’ certificate for a reasonable duration of 146 minutes. In terms of its economics, the film’s pre-release business stands at a modest INR 12 crore. Dheeraj Mogilineni Entertainments will distribute the film within India, while Shloka Entertainments will look after the overseas belt. Additionally, the film’s digital streaming rights have been bought by ZEE5 for an undisclosed price.