Vishwak Sen’s directorial Das Ka Dhamki which stars himself and Nivetha Pethuraj in the lead roles has released today. The film has a good festive advantage and if it manages a good talk, then it can certainly give career-best numbers for the actor/director.
Coming to the talk of the movie, it has a decent 1st half with a good dose of entertainment and songs. The interval block also came out quite well and it was from there through the second half that they showcased some predictable twists and confusing screenplay which can dampen the experience. Overall, Das Ka Dhamki is a decently made movie but strictly a one-time watch due to some below-par execution in parts.
Das Ka Dhamki theatrical rights are sold at Rs 8Cr and the movie will have a good opening due to the holiday advantage. But, it’s not easy to maintain the hold with tomorrow and Friday being weekdays. No other releases coming up this week and it is definitely a big plus point for the movie but it might not be easy to draw the audience with below-par content. As per the early estimations, the film may end up with a failure verdict at the box office