Vishwak Sen will be seen as Aghora in Gaami. The youthful hero Vishwak Sen who is fondly called as Mass ka Das is coming up with an exciting film Gaami under the direction of Vidyadhar Kagita, Produced by Karthik Sabareesh. Presented by V Celluloid Banner the film’s first look was unveiled today, i.e., January 27th. Vishwak Sen will be seen as Aghora in Gaami.
It is widely known that Mass Ka Das Vishwak Sen is an ambitious star who has made a big impression on the audience in his short career. Besides doing regular commercial entertainers, he is also experimenting with unique concepts. His next film, GAAMI directed by Vidyadhar Kagita and produced by Karthik Sabareesh on Karthik Kult Kreations is one such most ambitious projects. V Celluloid presents the movie, which is tipped to be an adventure drama. The crowd funds the movie.
First Look Poster of Vishwak Sen’s GAAMI
Meanwhile, the makers kick-started the promotions by unveiling the stunning first look poster at Hyderabad Comic con. Vishwak Sen amazes us in the get-up of an Aghora. While we see his character wrapped in a ragged Desi black attire, he is surrounded by many Aghoras who try to touch him. The poster is a spine-chilling one and has a dark, mysterious feel to it. It can generate a lot of curiosity among the viewers.
Makers also announced that in this film Vishwak sen plays an Aghora named ‘Shankar’, who has a very rare condition- ‘an inability to experience any human touch’. The Tagline on the poster, “His biggest fear, is human touch… His deepest desire, is also human touch” emphasizes the depth of that character emotional conflict.
Director vidyadhar added that “In the film – in addition to the Aghora setup, there are two different setups and other characters. They would be unveiled down the line of promotions”.
Chandini Chowdary of Colour Photo fame is the leading lady, while M G Abhinaya, Harika Pedada, and Mohammad Samad are the prominent cast.
The movie has cinematography by Vishwanath Reddy and Rampy Nandigam, music by Naresh Kumaran, and the screenplay was written by Vidyadhar Kagita and Pratyush Vatyam. The makers will announce the film’s release date soon.