Vishwak Sen who is gearing up for the release of ‘Paagal’ is reportedly all set to venture into big league now. Post ‘Paagal’ Vishwak will be working in an unnamed big-budget film. Backed by Asian Cinemas, this movie is expected to budget around Rs 15 crores.
Sen, whose last film Hit: The First Case was made on a budget of roughly Rs 6 crores is now eying for bigger films. It was apparently for this movie that Vishwak chose to not work on the sequel of his successful ‘Hit’. Adivi Sesh will now be reprising the role of Vikram Krishna in ‘Hit: The Second Case’
Meanwhile, Vishwak is busy with promoting ‘Paagal‘ which is set to release on 1st May. Starring Simran Choudary and Nivetha Pethuraj, ‘Paagal’ is a romantic comedy directed by Naresh Kuppili. Dil Raju is bankrolling the project with Radhan providing the music.