Sai Dharam Tej’s Virupaksha has emerged as a massive success at the box office and has been drawing crowds continuously. The film entered its second week on a sensational note and performed exceedingly well on weekdays as well. The poor show of new releases like Agent further helped Virupaksha in continuing its momentum.
Virupaksha has so far collected Rs 30Cr share in Telugu states and Rs 4.5 crores from overseas along with Rs 2.25 cr from the Rest of India. Overall, the worldwide share is around 36.75 Cr which is an extraordinary performance for this mystery horror.
Debutant Karthik Dandu has directed this film while it was produced by Sukumar and BVSN Prasad. Sukumar has also lent a screenplay for this film that also stars Samyuktha, Rajiv Kanakala, and Sunil in key roles.
Virupaksha was released on 21st April to positive reviews and great word of mouth. The audience lapped up this mystery thriller well and due to the move concept and great technical values, the film was encouraged all over. The film is expected to do well today as well due to the holiday advantage.