Director Lokesh Kanagaraj shared the first-look poster of the upcoming film Vikram earlier today. The poster features actors Vijay Sethupathi, Fahadh Faasil, and Kamal Haasan’s black and white close-up shots. The three actors sport a rugged and intense look in the poster.
Fans were taken by surprise with the first-look poster, as the makers of Vikram had not previously announced that Vijay Sethupathi would be part of the project as well. Both Kollywood and Mollywood fans are excited to watch the three south stars share the screen in Vikram.
Not much is known about the film’s plot, but judging purely by the poster, the film promises to be a blast. Just seeing these three icons it for sure is going to be a great display of acting talent at the least.
Anirudh Ravichander has composed the music of Vikram, Girish Gangadharan handles the cinematography and Philomin Raj is in charge of editing.