Tamil Actor Dhanush’s upcoming film Raayan is set for release this June. Shankar’s directorial Indian 2 is said to be postponed so Raayan has locked on to June 13th for Bakrid Weekend. Other Actor Vikram starrer, Thangalaan is said to be looking on the same date and is now set for a box office clash.
Raayan is being directed by Dhanush besides acting in the lead role as well. Sandeep Kishan is also playing a role in the film. Raayan’s first look has already been released and the lyrical song for the film was announced recently. On the other hand, Thangalaan starring Vikram and Malavika Mohanan is being directed by Pa. Ranjith, fame of Kabali and Kaala. The film is also shot on a heavy budget and will have a big pan India release.
Both films will clash at the box office with Raayan choosing June as the release month. Dhanush is eyeing big to score a blockbuster after his recent okayish hit, Captain Miller. Captain Miller was projected as a Pan India biggie but ended up being a normal hit. He has also lined up Kubera under the direction of Sekhar Kammula recently. Vikram too needs a big hit. So this will be an interesting clash for Vikram and Dhanush.