Vijay has joined Pongal race with his upcoming film Varisu which is coming in Telugu as Varasudu on 12th January. With Vijay’s stardom and success streak the has done a extraordinary pre-release business worldwide. Theatrical rights of the film are valued at 142Crs where Telugu States rights valued 18Crs. The film is touted be out & out family entertainer which is directed by Vamshi Paidipally. Here’s Vijay’s Varisu Worldwide Pre-Release Business and Box-office Classification.
- ROI Area Wise Breakup
- Tamil Nadu : 72Crs
- Kerala : 6.5Crs
- Karnataka : 7 5Crs
- North India : 3Crs
- ROI Total : 89Cr
Vijay’s Varisu Worldwide Pre-Release Business & Box-office Classification
AREA | Pre Business |
AP/TS | 18 Cr |
ROI | 89 Cr |
Overseas | 35 Cr |
Worldwide | 142 Cr |
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