Tamil Actor Vijay is one of the leading stars of Kollywood. He over a period time had no market reach like Rajinikanth. But the Actor had slowly established good market in other languages especially in Telugu States and Kerala. All his recent films have become decent hits here which turned out to be trusted markets for him. But his recent flick, The GOAT failed completely here shocking everyone. Vijay’s trusted markets have disappointed him for The GOAT.
The GOAT had great opening in Tamil Nadu and Overseas but poor openings in Telugu States and Kerala. The film didn’t recover after this and became a big disaster in the first weekend itself. Whereas, the film continued to have great response in TN and overseas and grossed nearly 275 crores in the first weekend. Even Monday’s performance was top notch shocking everyone. The film is also set to cross the 300 crore mark before the start of the weekend itself. But Telugu States and Kerala contribution is negligible in this.
Vijay’s previous films Master, Beast, Varisu/Vaarasudu and Leo become good hits in Telugu market. But The GOAT carried no big hype or promotions ahead of the release which badly affected the film. The film also received a negative talk which further made it a disaster.