The GOAT starring Vijay is performing exceptionally well in Tamil Nadu and overseas market. The film has already grossed more than 150 crores worldwide in 2 days. Now, in all the regions, Day 3 is trending better than Tamil Nadu. By today, The GOAT has crossed 200 crores. Three days worldwide gross is likely to be in the range of 220 crores.
Tomorrow, the film is also expected to have a big day in Tamil Nadu being a Sunday. After the weekend, the range of the film will solely depend on the overseas market and Tamil Nadu. As other regions would obviously start struggling and may not contribute much numbers beyond the weekend. Telugu Version has already crashed.
Kerala is also witnessing a big loss. It has to be seen how The GOAT will perform in these territories in the end run. The GOAT also became Vijay’s second 100 crore opener. He becomes the only lead actor to have this record alongwith Prabhas and Shah Rukh Khan. If The GOAT crosses 400 crore mark then it would be a big achievement even with a mixed talk. So let’s wait for the next weekend to see how the film puts its final numbers.