A new movie with Thalapathy Vijay was announced by talented director Venkat Prabhu a few weeks ago. Though the official announcement was not made, this film has created big anticipation among the fans and the movie, which is tentatively titled Thalapathy 68, has been officially launched today, and it is being reported that the film will have a star-studded cast.
Venkat Prabhu has officially announced the movie’s launch, which puts an end to the rumors and speculations. As per the latest reports, the Pooja ceremony took place today at Prasad Labs in Chennai, and the important team members were present at the event. The director also mentioned that the pictures and videos will be out once the star’s most anticipated film, Leo, gets released.
The fans could not control their excitement and made memes and spread the news that the film is a star-studded one, and it will Star Priyanka Arul Mohan, Prabhudeva and actor Prashanth, who has almost confirmed the star cast by sharing a meme picture posted by fans on his Facebook profile.
This movie has already confirmed to have Meenakshi Chaudhary as the romantic lead opposite Vijay, and Yuvan Shankar Raja is composing the music for AGS Entertainment production. More information about the film will be made available soon.