Tamil Superstar Thalapathy Vijay is collaborating with Telugu director Vamsi Paidipally for the first time. Producer Dil Raju approached Vijay for a commercial entertainer under national award winning director Vamsi Paidipally. Even Though producer and director are from tollywood, the actor confirmed it a proper Tamil cinema that will dub into other languages as like his previous films.
Vijay’s last outing Beast didn’t fare well at box office. So the fans are eagerly waiting for his next to do well. To their excitement Vijay is associating with Vamsi Paidipally who gave a block buster to Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu. As per the sources Vijay’s next with Vamsi paidipally is said to be more on strong family emotions like brindavanam.
The director Vamsi is good at dealing commercial entertainers with equal amount of emotions. So fans will get to see Vijay in a new avatar for a commercial entertainer that deal with strong family emotions. Rashmika is likely to pair up with Vijay and Thaman will compose the music for this interesting project.