Tamil Actor Vijay has recently announced that he would be quitting films and enter the political arena. He also declared the name of his political party i.e., Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam, shortly TVK. He also said that he would do one more film for fans sake before leaving the film Industry. Now, his final film’s director has been finalised.
Vijay is currently doing a film with Director Venkat Prabhu alongside Meenakshi Chaudhary. This film is already titled The Greatest Of All Time. First look posters of the films had already been released. Vijay portrays dual roles in the film. Fans have speculated many directors names for his final film film after The GOAT. Many Telugu Directors names too have come up. Some even speculated that Trivirkam or Gopichand Malineni would direct his final film. But it is believed that H. Vinoth has grabbed this chance.
H. Vinoth was known for directing the remake of Pink in Tamil, Nerkonda Paarvai and also another film of Ajith, Valimai. Vinoth was supposed to do a film with Kamal Haasan but it got postponed due to dates issues of Kamal Haasan. So Vijay wants to complete this film with H. Vinoth as soon as possible after The Goat’s completion. He wants to complete these films’ shoot and concentrate on politics completely. He would competing for the Tamil Nadu State assembly elections which are bound to happen in 2026.