Thalapathy Vijay who’s ruling the box office at Kollywood has once again become the center of attraction. The ‘Bigil’ actor earlier on Tuesday arrived at the polling booth to cast his vote. While this may appear to be a usual thing, Vijay’s choice of transportation amused one and all. Vijay’s cycle ride has indeed taken everybody by surprise.
This cycle ride has got the entire state discussing the reason behind it. Some sections are saying it was just a jolly ride as the polling booth was near his home. There is another section that claims there is a deeper meaning to it. They say that Vijay chose to arrive on cycle as a mark of protest against BJP. It is being said that Vijay’s cycle ride was a show of anger on rising fuel prices.
Whatever be the reason, Thalapathy’s cycle ride created quite some ripples in national media as well as social media.